Food Drive
Team Captains:
Captains meeting should be Wednesday, August 23, 2024 from 4PM until 7PM, at 111th and Central Park.
Looking forward to seeing how many teams we will have for our 23rd year.
Please don’t forget to bring food for local food pantry, as well as your teams fantastic raffle baskets. Raffle baskets are due by August 18th and the address can be found on Facebook.
If everyone brings a can or two of non-perishable food, we could really help feed many.
This year we will donate to The St. Christina Food Pantry. It is our neighborhood pantry which services our area; you wouldn’t believe how many families depend on it.
You can bring food Friday at the captain’s meeting if you don’t want to bring it the day of the tournament.
We will also be collecting it at the front gate.